If you threw your navel off the top of a really really tall buildin', would you hear the wind whistle through it on the way down? Would you care? If so, I doubt it would bother you for long. End of report.
[ADDENDUM: Lest this be the lamest report ever, I suppose now would be as good a time as ever to mention how unreal I think some of the reality shows are gettin'. On one show, they are recontructin' people's houses while they are away at Disney World and on a'nother they be swappin' mothers between two different households, and in another really lame attempt at supposed reality entertainment, they showed us how a bunch of Amish kids reacted when they were introduced to modern city life. What is next for reality shows: a show where they make over a pig into a horse and a chicken over into a cow?* --- Now didn't that make this post more worthy of your consideration?]
*I'll admit right now that if somethin' along the lines of "Tonight on Changin' Critters, our team of cosmetic surgeons will remake a gnat over into an elephant . . ." reached my ears, I might likely have an urge to peek in on the program.
Posted by Tiger at October 15, 2004 09:27 PM