October 16, 2004

I was there . . . I really was!

Well, after playin' a part in the play about a shotgun weddin' jes' last weekend, I found myself attendin' a friend's weddin' today. It made me think a bit about how I feel about weddin's and such. I 'spose I feel like most other men in that there is too much pomp and ceremony involved in such events. To my way of thinkin', it is the commitment made and not the actual activity involved with the public presentation of such. O' course, it takes two to have a weddin' and o' course, the other person involved, from what I have seen in the past, usually has a completely different opinion. I figger that if they want it all to be a certain way, no problem, jes' tell me when and where I am 'spose to show up. . . . oh, and if there are certain clothes you 'spect me to wear, be sure to set them on my bed and I will do my very best to make myself presentable. O' course, if ya really wanna play it safe, you might wanna make sure you set them up in the right order, or I might show up wearin' my BVDs outside of my trousers. I fully 'spect my mind to be filled with a lot of confusin' thoughts like ever'one else does on their weddin' day!

My navel pouted all day 'cause no one but comment spammers had a thin' to say 'bout anythin' today. I myself jes' figgered that it bein' Saturday, it was actually purty lucky that anyone at all came 'round today. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at October 16, 2004 10:10 PM | TrackBack