October 18, 2004

What rhymes with glue and you wish to avoid?

Yes, I know this is late, but I have a very good excuse. I awoke yesterday with symptoms of a severe upper respiratory infection.* You know, when you cough a lot and find each cough is painful. Then I started runnin' a low grade fever, my head began to hurt, and, soon, I decided, I must be comin' down with the flu or somethin'. I had about a half a bottle of generic Nyquil and started megadosin' about 3:00 yesterday, jes' as the Cowboys game started. I fell asleep sometime 'bout halftime, but ya don't have to tell me the score. I already know the result. Anyway, I jes' got back from the store with another full bottle of generic Nyquil and have slugged down another big mouthful and 'spect I will be goin' back to bed really soon. I might be the first in my local town to come down with the flu this year. I ain't sure that is a badge of honor, but I am hopeful I won't be get the honor of bein' the first one to die from contractin' it.

I have somethin' very important to do tomorrow, so I am gonna continue the megadosin' all day today so that by tomorrow, I will hopefully be well enough to do what I have to do. Also, I am hopeful I will also be no longer contagious. That is the main reason I am hangin' 'round the house today, as I feel it is my responsibility to avoid bein' in public as much as possible.

My navel seems to be affected, as well. I ain't heard it cough at all, but it seemed a bit warm last time I checked. End of report.

*This is actually the first time I had URI since I have quit smokin'. Nine months, two weeks, three days, 9 hours, 48 minutes and 53 seconds has elapsed since I last took a puff off of a nasty cigarette and that now means 10199 cigarettes not smoked, allowin' me to save $2,039.57 in cash as well as possibly extendin' my life an additional 5 weeks, 9 hours, 55 minutes.

Posted by Tiger at October 18, 2004 09:50 AM

I wish you fair health

Posted by: Chase at October 18, 2004 08:24 PM