October 19, 2004

It ain't over whether the fat lady sings or not

Nope, Kate Smith could be bellowin' God Bless America from way on high, but 'til my nose stops runnin' and I quit painfully coughin' up nasty stuff, whatever it is that I have contracted from who know where or why ain't finished with ravishin' my body. My navel feels clammy, as well. End of report.*

*Those of ya'll that keep track of such stuff, the reason this one did not come last night is because I was so drugged up with Nyquil by 7:00 pm that I was already in bed, and the reason it was not posted earlier today was because, as I tol' ya yesterday, I had somethin' that had to be done today, job-wise, that I really could not get postponed without causin' a lot of other people, here and there, a lot more trouble, I jes' went, stayed as far away from ever'one as possible and advised ever'one why I thought it might be a bad idea to shake their hand. Even though there was a slim chance that I might still be contagious, ever'one seemed happy that I did show up as planned, despite bein' sick. As I was doin' my best to get myself out of the house to attend such event, despite how terrible I felt then, I had no time to post the report earlier. Now, despite the fact that I feel worse that I did earlier, I, at least, have time to let ya know how things are goin.**

**For ya'll people that keep track of more inane stuff, this is likely the first post I ever did where the first footnote was longer than the whole post above. Excuse me, but I jes' sneezed all over the screen showin' this post to be published, so it is likely contagious. Spray your screen with Lysol, stat!

Posted by Tiger at October 19, 2004 03:14 PM | TrackBack