October 21, 2004

It ain't much, ya can be sure

Well, first of all, I ain't worried 'bout who is gonna win the World Series now as I am sure it ain't gonna be the damned Yankees! WoooHooo!

Secondly, the site was down all day, as was all of the Munuvian universe, but our benefactor Pixy is not to blame. It was some mindless techs in a remote location off the coast of Madagascar who are at fault.

Thirdly, I am tired, have a headache, and my navel is fine. I do, however, think I might finally be over the flu. For those of ya'll (that bein' mainly Susie) who are sometimes concerned with the number of headaches I seem to get, what with the sinus headaches from my mold allergy, the occasional migraines that come here and there, and the occasional tension headaches that usually come from staring at somethin' without movin' my head for long periods of time so that the muscles in my neck begin to cramp. I am almos' sure this is one of the latter variety caused by my continual starin' at those typed manuscript pages over the last six or so hours and will soon be abated by a handful of choice analgesics. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at October 21, 2004 07:58 PM | TrackBack