October 25, 2004

How many ideas are in a brain?

And if you run out, where do you go to buy more? If you have too many, is there a place you can sell a few off? Oh wait, we are talkin' 'bout the employment market, aren't we? Of course, if we were talkin' falsehoods, instead of novel ideas, we would need to go no farther to find an expert than the Kerry camp. There are those who believe said Mr. Kerry would say whatever, be it truth or hearsay, to win this election. One wonders what kind of lies he tells to win the trust of rich women? I mean, surely they ain't marryin' him because of his uncanny resemblance to the Democratic symbol, the ol'` mule-faced enemy collaborator. Yeah, jes' the kind of fellow we need for a Commander-in-Chief. NOT!

This message has been approved and fully-paid for by my navel. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at October 25, 2004 09:28 PM