October 28, 2004

For those of you who have yet to decide

OK, OK, I know there are many of ya'll who are yet undecided about whether to vote for Kerry or Bush. I also know that the biggest point of the Kerry campaign rhetoric has to do with the war and whether it was justified. First of all, I 'spect ever' one of ya'll was as shocked as I was followin' the Sept. 11 attack and dismayed as to the proper response our country should make. Well, let me tell ya what George Bush did. He took the fight those responsible and those who back and support such people to their own back yard. The insurgents we are continually hear about causin' all the distress and dismay to our troops in Iraq are not Iraqi citizens, but are the same people who would be recruited to perform terrorist acts on US soil if they were not elsewhere occupied in the grand battle for the greater good of Allah and the Islamic faith. John Kerry is a great war protester, but is a war protester the kind of person we want headin' our troops in the midst of havin' to defend our country durin' a massive jihad movement? I think not! Vote for Bush to ensure the security of our country, because I fear the renewal of terrorist attacks within our own borders if we elect Kerry and begin to reduce our presence in their neighborhood, allowin' them to divert their attention from their own homes and families to thinkin' of ways to destroy our homes and families. Moonbat "Bush lied" BS rhetoric aside, I, for one, do not want to see another attack on the scale of 9/11. With Kerry in office, I fear such will only come to pass.

[Addendum: I have jes' discovered that even the younger generations understand what I am talkin' 'bout:

2. He [John Kerry] said he will make the war go away and that is not true because if he tries to make the war go away then the terrorists will come right back here and start doing stuff again and then we won't have a war in iraq we will have war in the united states and i do not want a war here do you????? - Missy*
End of Addendum.]

PS. While we are talking 'bout the younger generation, the supposed youngest blogger to ever do so is hosting this week's COTV. Go check it out!

*I do understand that there are a whole bunch of heavily armed people with the necessary IT skills to track down anyone having the gall to act inappropriately when visitin' Missy's blog. Jes' was givin' some of you yahoos a forewarnin' to mind your P's & Q's if ya go a' visitin'.

Posted by Tiger at October 28, 2004 10:16 AM | TrackBack

What a great young lady! Thanks for the reference to her site - I'm going to see if my 8 year old daughter might like an example to follow who's closer to her own age....

Posted by: Romeocat at October 28, 2004 12:17 PM

I was pleased to have done so. One of the things I love best about bloggin' and bloggers is that anyone* can do one, no matter what age, political orientation, or such thing that makes them the unique person they be. I believe that such truly makes the world as a whole a much better community through allowin' a free interchange of thoughts and positions among the actual people of the world without the interference of their governments. It still surprises me what misunderstandin's I personally had about people in other countries that have been dispelled by the things I was able to read on the blogs of the people who actually live and work in such countries. It is also interestin' to see what kind of thoughts our younger generations have about current events. I do hope you urge your eight-year-old to blog. Be aware there are many of us that will come to assist should any boogeymen come to prowl.

*provided, of course, one has access to the Internet, which is still restricted by government and/or technology in many parts of our planet.

Posted by: Tig at October 28, 2004 12:46 PM

Thanks, Tig - I'll keep that in mind. Fortunately, Noelle's Daddy is pretty computer savvy, too. However, if she chooses to blog, you'd better believe I'm putting up that bob-wire fence for protection!

Posted by: Romeocat at October 28, 2004 01:40 PM

Be sure to drop a clue if she does! I have a couple of friends that are also Missy's fans, so they might also be interested in Noelle's views, as well.

Posted by: Tig at October 28, 2004 02:55 PM

With all due respect, some of what you say in this post is just not accurate. Most of the insurgents in Iraq are Iraqis, not outsiders. Many of them have been recruited INSIDE IRAQ to be anti-American Islamic extremists. Before the war, there were hardly any Islamic extremists in Iraq. There were no anti-American terrorists worth noting. Today there are tons of them. This idea that you're herding all the terrorists into one place and killing them is lunacy, man. It's a rationalization for those who don't want to admit how stupid Bush's decision-making has been. The troops do a great job. They deserve a better president. More reading:

http://bushiraq.r8.org (or http://bushiraq.v9z.com)

Posted by: hp5 at November 1, 2004 09:31 PM

It may be entirely true that we need a better President to lead the troops in this war, but neither I nor they believe John F. Kerry is the man for the job. As for your link, it appeared to be a laundry list of quotes without content, and, as a source of information, was worthless.

Posted by: Tig at November 2, 2004 08:42 AM