I should have suspected today was gonna be a very strange day 'cause of that moon thing last evenin' and the fact that I did not receive my horrorscope in my mornin' email, as usual. Well, it has been quite peculiar. I have had a couple of delightful visitors today. One was jes' an ol' time resident who reminded me I had some signs advertisin' some out-dated events still posted in my community event window. As I was the self-appointed bulletin board monitor who removed all outdated notices from the various places around campus and law school durin' my years in institutes of higher learnin', it was a bit embarrassin' to have someone catch me havin' committed such transgression myself.
The second visitor I have had this mornin' was Jenna Bush. No, not that Jenna Bush, but a young Jenna Bush currently seekin' employment in the local area. Regrettably, I currently am unable financially to offer any job openin's. I did get her contact information, however, and tol' her that if this book deal takes off, I definitely might be lookin' for someone to do a substantial bit of the typin' on the next installment of what I 'spect to be at least a trilogy. As for the status of that project, here is the acknowledgment of receipt I received from by recent manuscript submission:
Dear Mr. Russell,I did, of course, advise them that my friend and illustrator had not quite completed the illustrations for such work and that I expected to have 5 to 10 of such before the eventual publication took place.Thank you for submitting your manuscript. I have forwarded it to our reviewers and we should be in touch in about three to four weeks. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me.
David P. Braun
Author Relations Representative
Dorrance Publishing Co.
Anyway, to get back to the most interestin' part of my conversation with Jenna Bush . . . when I was remarkin' how she ought to jes' go 'round introducin' herself as Jenna Bush, but not that Jenna Bush, she tol' me a story 'bout her cousin, who supposedly bears a remarkable resemblance to the real Jenna Bush's sister, Barbara, who also supposedly happened to be at the DFW International Airport at the same time as the Bush twins, and was involved in an incident involvin' the Secret Service who mistook said young lady for Dubya's daughter. O' course, maybe such incident was only interestin' to me.
Posted by Tiger at October 28, 2004 12:31 PM