October 30, 2004

It was a cheeseburger Saturday night, sans the cheese

Yep, didn't do much today 'cept sleep. I ain't been sleepin' too well, of late, for whatever reason, so when I was at the dollar store the other day, I purchased a box of the generic nighttime analgesic tablets. I been gettin' some numbness in my left leg late at night, so the analgesic assists in suppressin' such and whatever it is they put in there to assist ya in goin' to sleep, it works well on me. I went to sleep last night and slept through until late this mornin'.

I spent most of the day readin' blogs, though there was very little to see, and watchin' some ol' movies on TV. They had the Halloween event goin' on around the square this evenin', but I decided to skip it for this year. My mood has been strange here lately, and the closer it gets to the 'lection, the stranger life 'round me seems to get. I will be so glad when the polls close on Tuesday night and the vote count is posted. One good thing about living in such a small town/county area, who won the seats is usually know within a hour or two after the polls close. Last I heard, there were 1800 who have already voted early, so it looks like there is gonna be a big turnout this year.

My navel was hardly involved in my life at all today, remainin' mostly hidden from sight. I 'spose if I had tried hard to look for such, I would have not had that hard of a problem to do so, but I really had no interest in it durin' the day. Seemed like that was the best for us both. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at October 30, 2004 08:40 PM


Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 31, 2004 02:27 AM