[T]he guy survived basic and now he's here in Iraq serving God and country and proving himself in more ways daily then the average young American will in their life.See, that war protester John Kerry came to the forefront in causin' the people back home into hatin' their boys overseas. He had to remake Iraq into another Viet Nam to have a chance to win this 'lection, but sadly, it ain't good for our boys overseas that they think the people over here ain't proud of what they are doin' over there. Please, please, please, don't vote for John Kerry. Vote for our boys! Vote for BUSH!! Posted by Tiger at November 1, 2004 04:26 PMSo when I saw him yesterday he looked down and beat, like he was bearing the weight of the world along with that heavy armor that each and every one of us wears here. I asked why.
Whats wrong hero?
Nothing. Well, I'm in Iraq...
You're making history son.
Yeah, but its an unpopular war. People at home don't want us here... - Greyhawk
So what are you proposing America become? A nation of people who never question their government's policies? This is a democracy, remember?
There's gotta be a way for us to support the troops without supporting our government's decisions to send those troops into God knows where whenever it feels like it.
This ain't a dictatorship or Communist China. In the US of A, we're supposed to speak up. We WOULD NOT BE the US of A if we didn't. That US soldier should carry his head high, and he should vote by absentee ballot for a man who will help to get the country back on track, so he can carry himself with the pride he deserves to have.
p.s. Or rather, he probably would have been wise to mail that absentee ballot awhile ago. Our mailcarriers are champs, too, but this is a bit much to ask.
Whatever. Regrettably, I jes' ain't thinkin' you are gonna be makin' many converts by promotin' Kerry's virtues to my audience. They are a bit too intelligent to fall for all that Viet Nam hero crap. Kerry stabbed his own comrades in the back durin' that war and now promises to support our troops? Neither I nor they think he has what it takes to do the job.
Posted by: Tig at November 2, 2004 08:53 AM