November 13, 2004

Drat and dang double drat at that

I found somethin' I wanted to comment 'pon and found I had to register to comment. Nope, sorry, ya'll but I ain't found the site yet that was worth the hoops you have to go through to register so as to comment 'pon, and this one ain't it, either.

Seriously folks, none of us like comment spam and most of us want some idea of who comes 'round to read what we have produced, but registration to comment on blogs is such a serious no-no! Most of us, even the colorblind ones like me who have a really hard time pickin' up green letterin' on green backgrounds, will plug in the necessary characters to get through them weird make sure it is a real human comment spammer traps. Jay Allen's great mt-blacklist works well for those of us who check the status of our blogs on a regular occasion and works 'specially well for those on a multi-blog MT setup like Munuviana where a community is guardin' 'gainst comment spammers and quickly addin' offenders to the group blacklist. I 'spect it is beneficial to some to mandate that there be no anonymous comments, but there seems to be ways to do that without requirin' registration. Nope, I understand the need for the newspapers to seek registration, as they have a need to display readership demographics in order to sell advertisin'. I 'spose there might be a blog come 'round at some future point that I find to be of such worth that I am willin' to support its efforts in gainin' advertisers so as to actually register to use certain functions of such site, but it ain't today!

Posted by Tiger at November 13, 2004 11:37 AM