November 16, 2004

A bit out of kilter without a kilt* to be seen** found

First off, lemme say I am quite proud of that title. However, for the right price, it is for sale. Blurf. Blurf. Like you could ever understand. Here I find myself jes' grinnin' ponderin' the dumbfounded look 'pon your face as you try to figger it all out. But that be the trick of it, it ain't even there. It's all an illusion!

My navel politely declines comment. End of report.

*~in me best brogue~Now don't ye be thinkin' 'bout peekin' under it, me lassie!

**Continually editorializin'. ;)

Posted by Tiger at November 16, 2004 10:11 PM

Despite being a kilt wearer (on occasions), I had never linked the two words before... Hmmm... How can I link to this story...

Posted by: Ozguru at November 17, 2004 12:06 AM

You could say that you finally found the stupidest post ever created on a blog, or somethin' 'long those lines. ;)

Posted by: Tig at November 17, 2004 08:19 AM