Yep, and so starts another long Saturday, the day where bloggin' grinds to a tiny trickle as mos' people partake of the temptations of the real world. I really ain't got anythin' of an entertainin' nature to offer ya at the moment, but it appears that, in honor of the openin' of the Clinton Presidential Library, the Cracker Barrel Philosopher has compiled a most excellent parade of photoshopped? pics to celebrate the Clinton legacy.
Then ag'in, there is this link to a very strange FLASH movie I found over on the newly redesigned Who Tends the Fires. I ain't sure if you'll find it entertainin' or not. Heck, I watched it three times and ain't even sure that I understand it. Oh . . . well --- that's life.
Posted by Tiger at November 20, 2004 08:18 AMDon't worry, you're not the only one who took a little while to get that video. It just struck me as funny when Eric showed it to me, whether I got it or not.
I don't think it's really SUPPOSED to make sense. It's just a couple kids in the garage, playing with helium and Flash animation. And squirrels. Um.
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 20, 2004 01:34 PMKids in a garage playin' with helium and squirrels? Like I needed that vision in my head! I need to invent a new type of toilet into which we could jes' insert our heads and flush away thoughts like that.
Posted by: Tig at November 20, 2004 01:44 PM