November 23, 2004

Nov. 21, 2004

Wow, is this Eye on Opus report ever late* and here we have prolly the most controversial strip ever, at least as far as I am concerned. First of all, this strip reintroduces of one of the more popular characters from Bloom County. Who? No, not Cutter John. Him, of course. Why is it controversial to me? Well, this strip deals with an issue a childless, middle-aged man such as myself deals with on a regular basis, the age attributed to said character is so very nearly my own, and I have always believed that there was a very strong resemblance between said character and myself, even so far back as the Bloom County days. I 'spect that puts me in the perfect postion to succinctly conclude that Berke Breathed not only long ago modeled the character after myself, but regularly spies, likely via this very site, on me so as continue usin' my own idiosyncracies to build upon in the continued creation of this character. O' course, by checkin' on his weekly progress as he continues to produce this Opus strip and delightledly snarkin' all over his creativity, I 'spose it would only be fair to say that I do my own share, as well, of spyin' on BB. However, this time, the topic of the strip jes' hit too close to home and defintiely knocked the wind outta me. Despte such feelin', though, I am gonna have to say that this is one of his best strips in a long while. ;)

Posted by Tiger at November 23, 2004 12:53 PM

You're NOT a geezer, Tig--and you have better pickup lines...! ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 23, 2004 01:34 PM