November 27, 2004

Somethin' to do when ya got nuthin' better

Oh well, always seems there ain't nuthin' to do on Saturdays. To relieve that condition, at least for today, I am gonna provide the followin' seven pairs of related terms for which you are to choose your favorite:

Saturday Selectorial™ Nov. 27, 2004

1. Wide Screen - Full Screen

2. Four door - Two door

3. Plane - Train

4. Basketball - Hockey

5. Yahoo - Google

6. Paris - Nicole

7. Letterman - Leno

I hope to continue this meme on a weekly basis, but that likely depends upon the show of support for my efforts. Speakin' of my efforts, my selections are shown in the extended entry.

Saturday Selectorial™ Nov. 27, 2004

1. Wide Screen - Full Screen

2. Four door - Two door

3. Plane - Train

4. Basketball - Hockey

5. Yahoo - Google

6. Paris - Nicole

7. Letterman - Leno

Posted by Tiger at November 27, 2004 08:48 AM