November 27, 2004

I ain't never seen any that easy

Don't ever'thin' always seem to be so easy in the movies, love, romance, spoonin' Geena Davis? Earth Girls Are Easy: I thought I hadn't seen this one, but I have seen bits and pieces of it through out the years. The story was predictable but the gags were funny. I mean with Wayans and Carrey coverin' your back, even Jeff Goldblum coulda played the lead in this flick. However, he and Geena Davis did look good together. It was not all that boring but was also not all that. What it was, cuz, was a big stretch of my imagination. I'll give it two severely used up sporks for playin'. That concludes the movie review portion of this evenin''s program. ~we pause now for a brief catatonic period while brain takes a coffee break~


So, several times today, I have sat upon this chair and thought I sat down upon somethin'. I could find nothin' either in the chair or somethin' dealin' with my clothin' to cause such sensation. It finally dawned on me that it could jes' be some tenderness due to sittin' on that bicycle seat. I do 'member thinkin' to myself that those seats definitely were not designed for my comfort.

Seems that Ozguru is of the 'pinion that my writin' is in a class by itself. [see comments] I think that he was jes' nicely sayin' there ain't no one who writes crappier than myself.

I did notice that there was not a single visitor between 8:00pm and 9:00pm, my time, Central whatever Time. It's not really all that hard for me to imagine that ever'one in the world had somethin' better to do durin' that time than come by and check out what kind of crap I had to offer. I am jes' very very hopeful that durin' that period ya'll weren't in a secret remote location grouped all together plottin' what you were plannin' to do to me. My navel seemed quite concerned about the situation. I think it is jes' a hiccup in the space-time continuum. End of report.

*If interested. walk back behind the buildin' and ask for Larry. He ain't hard to spot, he'll be wearin' a sandwich board.

Posted by Tiger at November 27, 2004 11:58 PM

It's not paranoia if they are really all out to get you...

I was trying to nicely say that I like your writing and I doubt that you can find someone with a complimentary style.

Mind you, if an extra author means I get to read about the aliens sooner then by all means try it out :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at November 28, 2004 04:00 AM

Sorry, I forgot. Please ignore the invalid smiley :-)

It should have been the authorised version ;)

Posted by: Ozguru at November 28, 2004 04:02 AM

Oh yeah, Larry wasn't there. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to catch him at 3:00 AM...

Posted by: Ozguru at November 28, 2004 04:05 AM

Oh, 3:00 AM would have been in the midst of Larry's reg'larly scheduled* Muscatel Madness event. He closes for business when that begins.

*Such event always follows Larry's comin' into possession of a handful of spare change.

Posted by: Tig at November 28, 2004 09:01 AM