Hey, ya'll fans of Golf Digest and similar ilk may want to visit and bookmark, blogroll, or otherwise make such available for viewin' at your whim: MJ on Golf.* It looks like MJ brings ya all sorts of stories 'bout golf, golf, and more golf. I found today's top linked story to be very interestin':
Golf course stolen piece by pieceSo, how many of ya'll 'member the ol' joke 'bout the guy who, on the way outta the gold mine, walked past security ever'day pushin' an empty wheelbarrow? For weeks, the guards increasin'ly grew more and more suspicious that the guy was somehow sneakin' gold outta the plant right under their noses, but their continuous searches never disclosed a single smidgen*** of gold. Finally, assured he would not be charged for his admission, the man tells them he was stealin' wheelbarrows.
Updated: 12/1/2004 4:54 PM
By: Carmen Grant, News 10 Now Web StaffAuthorities say a Cayuga County man stole a golf course piece by piece.[**]
Sheriff deputies say Donald Ross stole golf balls, tee markers, ball washers and numerous other items from the Owasco Country Club. Authorities believe Ross took the equipment over a period of three years and set up a three hole golf course on his property - he shared with his twin brother.
Site discovered via Blog Explosion. Another Blog Explosion find: The Soccer Weblog. And another find via another source: We eat so many shrimp - GanstaRap blog? Deservin' of a real good spork: Dawn.
*Which, to me, is so much better soundin' than say, MJ on Little Boys.
**Kinda mindful of that ol' Johnny Cash song, "One Piece at a Time."
***I was mindful that I might have never previously used such word, and, as such, figgered a great opportunity was presentin' itself so as to assure high placement 'mong the Google returns for smidgen lips.
Posted by Tiger at December 4, 2004 10:24 AM