On November 22, I mentioned how my StatCounter always seemed to be showin' so many more visitors on a daily basis than my SiteMeter. My account convinced OzGuru to give it a whirl and, after he did so, I watched his numbers for a couple of days to confirm my belief. I did not, however, observe a marked difference in the numbers returned by the two meters on his site. The substantial difference in numbers on my site continued. I am unsure why it hadn't dawned on me earlier, but I had installed the StatCounter script on ever' page, includin' individual archive pages, whereas the SiteMeter was installed solely on Read My Lip's primary index page. Last evenin', I added the SiteMeter script to the exact same pages that contain the StatCounter script. The numbers are now comin' in fairly identically.
Current page loads: SiteMeter - 198I still prefer the greater array of information that you get from StatCounter, but SiteMeter provides one statistic which StatCounter does not: hourly visitation numbers. Given such analysis and disclosure, that leaves me with a question of bloggin' ethics: Bein' how I have established that the StatCounter numbers are slightly lower than those received via SiteMeter, is it wrong of me to believe that I am closin' in quickly on the 150,000 mark? Posted by Tiger at December 7, 2004 03:07 PM
StatCounter - 184
Current daily visitors: SiteMeter - 177
StatCounter - 169