Ever'where I turn while connected to the wild woolly web: blogs, email, and those pop-ups that slip in when I turn the danged pop-up blocker off in order to post little draft tidbits to use later in Nuggets and Gems, and there are more offers for free ipods than I can shake a stick at, mainly 'cause I ain't got no stupid stick and my wrists hurt so bad here of late that it is 'bout all I can do to shake the dew off the lily. I ain't even wantin' no ipod. I done tol' ya'll, I want my flyin' car.
Posted by Tiger at December 9, 2004 01:46 PMI want a pony. Yeah, I am tired of the free iPod crap. My anti-free-iPod rant at my site caused quite a rukus!
[ed. link reworked into comment so as to be clickable but no other change to comment content was made except to erase a couple of paratheticals rendered redundant by my editin' activity.]
Posted by: averagejoe at December 9, 2004 02:26 PM