Dec. 9, 2004 [A totally BE Edition]
Well, here we go again with a nice set of links to point out those nuggets of wisdom and gems of humor that I have found here and there through my blog surfin' adventures. All links open in new windows, so feel free to click and read ... the list will be awaitin' your return. Now, for your readin' pleasure, the proprietors of Read My Lips are proud to present:
- Ruby Bean posts 'bout a strange conversation she had with the Installation Volunteer Coordinator at an Army Post. I see SNAFU is still in effect. [Warnin' - language inappropriate for underage and sensitive users.]
- spacelawyer provided the heads up that the US government has cleared the way for space tourism. O' course, the FAA gets to be the regulatin' agency. I 'spose that means I gotta get clearance from the tower prior to launch, now.
- In a strange move for me, I am gonna post somethin' from someone actually callin' himself Frenchman, but I thought the idea of US citizens disguisin' themselves as Canadians when visitin' France was hilarious.
- If'n I 'member correctly, strang was warnin' us of some breaches in security affectin' all browsers, but now I can't reach his site. I am guessin' those hackers wasn't happy 'bout bein' narced on and hacked his site. Here's that link, though. Maybe you will have better luck.
- The lovely Heidi pointed out that, after bein' fired as spokesman for hookin' children on cigarettes, Joe Camel has a brand new gig sellin' Arabic kids syrup. - Although Heidi got added to my Texas roll, a spork must be awarded to MJ [I don't think it's that one ].
- I actually read 'bout this event yesterday, but forgot to post on it. Thankfully Peaceable Primate Sanctuary found time to do so.
BROOKFIELD, Illinois (AP) -- After Babs the gorilla died at age 30, keepers at Brookfield Zoo decided to allow surviving gorillas to mourn the most influential female in their social family.One by one Tuesday, the gorillas filed into the Tropic World building where Babs' body lay, arms outstretched. Curator Melinda Pruett Jones called it a "gorilla wake." [full story]
I am thinkin' that I am gonna put such in my will that after I die, I wanna have a gorilla wake and am bettin' it'll be a fun time for all involved. - Oh my goodness, what do we have here?
I am such a sucky (not lucky) law student. Seriously. - KJ of Shhhh[x3]
Now, that is a sign of a good future lawyer, honesty. - Surely ya'd think there'd be a huge worldwide demand to learn pig latin [pop-up graphic] - found on once again
RITE TURN ONLY blogger, Len Kutchma, points out that the Canadian Mounties are 'spectin' terrorists of slippin' secret messages in digital files. I used to belong to one of them MSN Groups 'fore I decided bloggin' was much more fun, and often we would find these large graphics full of Arabaic characters posted. Ever'time I saw one of 'em, I immediately alerted the FBI, but I am sure there are plenty of such things that go unnoticed. I mean how are ya gonna look for certain word patterns when they are a part of a .jpg file?
and, lastly,- It 'pears there was a bit of fisticuffs goin' on between a bunch of red-suited Santas in Wales. [BBC Story] - while King of Fools was sittin' idly by searchin' for a clean spork.
Posted by Tiger at December 9, 2004 09:03 PM