Well, seems I did not do well in the Mystery credit winnin' on Blog 'Splosion tonight. I only won 3 of such, which is a severely paltry showin' indeed.
In other news, I thought surely I came close to my 26 post daily record today, or, at least, I think that is the record number, but ain't really sure anyway. I know I have posted close to that number on many occasions, but got nowhere near that many today. I ain't sure why I thought I had. Maybe 'cause I forgot that I was busy all mornin' and didn't post anythin' until later this afternoon.
I didn't bathe today. That is highly unusual for me, but, did I previously tell ya'll how my shower head would drip right down onto the tub faucet and splash all over me while I was doin' whatever durin' the time it took the tub to fill? If I didn't, now ya know. Well, anyway, I didn't report yesterday that the plumber finally came by yesterday mornin' while I was lolli-gaggin' round after gettin' back from goin' to the monthly settin' for one of the two district courts that cover our county. I didn't show I had anythin' set, but I always have the date on my calendar, jes' in case, and will drop by to insure I didn't forget a settin' of some type. Well, I didn't have anythin', so I came back to the house for some reason or other. So the plumber sees my car in the drive and decides yesterday is a good day to fix my shower. The part didn't work, so the shower is not fixed, but whatever the plumber did screwed up the water pressure to the faucet. The water ran for over an hour this mornin' and didn't come close to fillin' the tub. I was runnin' late and had to jes' skip my mornin' bathin' ritual.
My navel is unwashed. End of report.
Posted by Tiger at December 9, 2004 11:55 PM | TrackBack