I found the followin' comment on my site yesterday:
your web page is rubbish there isnt anything on alomst you need to improve it a lot no wonder you hardly have anyone looking on your web siteO' course, immediately I deleted such, as such comment was pure rubbish, especially if you consider the post to which it was attached. I did, however, respond to the commenter via email to Dawnkid39@aol.com,** thusly:
So, if I may ask, where is yours? I would love to see how one is supposed to be done.I jes' found the followin' reply in my inbox:
its my opinion and i think it is rubish and i have proof so shut upI'll agree that such is an opinion and I also agree that such opinion is rubbish, and I think you havin' 'spressed such is 'bout all the proof that I or any of my mature adult readers need to come to the conclusion your opinion is worth less than the effort it took any of us to read it.
*To paraphrase the great W. C. Fields.
**Email address flagrantly displayed in hopes that any commercial entities sellin' grow up pills or some similar product will barrage said Dawnkid39@aol.com with messages offerin' to sell a lifetime supply of same.
Posted by Tiger at December 10, 2004 02:31 PMIf you really want the canned-meat-produced scavengers to collect that address, add the appropriate href code as well. Like this:
... will barrage said dawnkid39@aol.com with messages ...
Even the slowest of web crawling scum-sucking-bottom-trawling scripts will notice that href code :-)
Posted by: Ozguru at December 16, 2004 08:39 PM