December 12, 2004

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!*

Yeah, I jes' now looked at the clock and saw how late it is. Almos' midnight so I need to get started gettin' this report out, whether I am ready or not, so here it comes: ~midnight jes' chimed~ So what kind of zaniness can I concoct for your enjoyment pleasure this evenin'. Pardon me for a few minutes while I tip back in my chair and gaze toward my navel while I wait for an idea of some kind to come to mind, if ya don't mind? You're so kind. Aha, whatta find! Ya'll 'member sometime these las' few days where I mentioned I used to belong to some of the MSN Groups prior to bloggin'. On one of 'em, we used to play a lot of games, ever'one always tryin' to come up with somethin' new. Well, the only game I ever came up with, and it was also one I was purty good at, was to see who could come up with the longest sentence uses all words startin' with whatever letter was up, alphabetically. So, the first round would be letter "A."

An Amarillo adult aged armadillo, afoot and awkwardly ambling across an avenue, ably averaged about an arms-length as an auto accident abruptly aborted any additional advancement. (26)
Ya get the drift? If ya play, the next letter is "B," see what ya can do, and track it back to here. Ya see what kinda ideas ya can get if ya gaze at your navel too long? End of report.

[Addendum: Caption contest: My first one ever! What is this bird sayin' to the other:

[pic in extended entry to save bandwidth!]

End of Addendum.]

*Oops, wrong hat!

Posted by Tiger at December 12, 2004 12:25 AM | TrackBack

Hmmm let me try.

Big, buffoonish, brainless, bigoted baseballers boisterously batted balls by beaches, basking brightly. (12)

Jeez, that made no sense :P

Posted by: Toni at December 12, 2004 02:58 AM

That's not a really good picture for a caption contest...

Posted by: Chase at December 12, 2004 10:30 AM

Bird One: "And then he said 'duh!' and she said 'whatever' and he said 'pssh' and she went 'yeah' and..."

Bird Two: *thinking* "SHUDDUP ALREADY!!"

Hmmm...this is tricky...OK, here goes:

Zane zanily zipped by a zaftig zinger in Zanzibar!

OK that was really grasping, but I just HAD to work Zane in there...! ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at December 16, 2004 09:07 AM

Zooming zig-zaggedly, Zane, "zeroless,"* zealously zipped zooward. (8) I could likely do better with more thought. ;)

I am pretty sure 8 is like my best on X, so I know I should be able to string Z's into double digits, 'course it would mean callin' him something like "Zanzibar" Zane.

*He had his "equals."**

**Inside joke.

Posted by: Tig at December 16, 2004 08:53 PM