December 17, 2004

Ever'thin' I know 'bout Australia I learned while watchin' Kangaroo Jack

A person I count as one of my best friends 'mong those I have not yet met* is my mate, Ozguru. He comes 'round and comments regularly, is always linkin' to my blog, usually lovin' to copy my jokes and then jes' link back to where he clipped 'em, but what the hey - that is the nature of the game, and I am always game, ain't I? We also often get into some interestin' email discussions 'bout variances 'tween life and stuff goin' on in the US, sometimes jes' limited to the local area where I live, and the way they do things and say things in the Land of Oz. Did I fail to mention that he has also pledged to buy 5 copies of my book, whenever it finally gets out. What with my one other person who has promised to buy a copy, as well, that makes 6 books I am guaranteed to sell. I am pretty sure that, if I pressed him to do so, my friend from Oz wouldn't send me a check .... or is that cheque? I might have to go back and re-watch Crocodile Dundee again.

Since I started discussin' movies, let's look into somethin' the sometimes bothers me. Remakes. I mean, comin' out soon is Flight of the Phoenix. I can almos' bet ya that the cast of that movie could not do better than the cast of the 1965 original The Flight of the Phoenix. What is it with Hollywood that they cannot find new stories to tell. A Star is Born has been remade twice. As much as I admire Harrison Ford and the way his career has gone from American Graffiti, through the original Star Wars trilogy and then Indiana Jones, and dozens of other great roles, he could not have played Linus Larrabee [Sabrina - 1995] as well as Humphrey Bogart [Sabrina - 1954]. And they were genuinely foolish to think anyone could have ever replaced Audrey Hepburn. I don't even wanna get started on the remake of Kangaroo Jack,** with Adam Sandler playin' the jackass.***

My navel was in charge of keepin' the footnotes in order durin' the creation of this post. It was a hard taskmaster, I tell ya, but it did a fine job. I think it deserves a big hand for such, don't ya'll? End of report.

Hi, I'm Larry, the newly rehired assistant. I have been supposedly put in charge of who and what gets linked on Read My Lips from this point on, or, until I get fired again. Think positive stupid. I wanted to tell all of you fine people who are wondering about the linking policy that I am planning to write up a FAQ on the subject as soon as I get back from the AA meeting. Oops, I forgot, I wasn't supposed to tell. It's anonymous.

*Another in this subset would be that fine person, Pixy Misa, the Saint of Munuvia, himself, who is also an Aussie.

**Oh, come on, I had to find somethin' to link. Surely none of ya'll really thought they would remake that movie, right. The damn sequel has not even been made, as yet. I think the sequel is call Kangaroo Jack Meets Jerry McGuire,**** the plot bein' somethin' 'bout showin' each other some money, or somethin' like that.

***That was simply uncalled for!*****

****Hey, I coulda jes' linked whatever is the next Owen Wilson movie, ya know? Give me a break, will ya?

*****I am capable of chidin' myself for my bad behavior, on occasion.

Posted by Tiger at December 17, 2004 10:56 PM

Wow thanks for the linkage.

I try to cut and paste the jokes about two months after they appear on people's blogs so that I don't steal their thunder. I figure after two months most people (including myself) will have forgotten the joke anyway :-)

As for a cheque, I assumed you would take PayPal or BillPay or one of those type of systems - after all trying to convert currencies usually costs a bucket load.

Posted by: Ozguru at December 22, 2004 06:52 PM

The critics panned it but I liked Paul Hogan in 'Almost an Angel' as well.

Posted by: Ozguru at December 22, 2004 06:53 PM