December 20, 2004

Hints from Heloise Tig I'm a laundry putz! Pink underwear is not only for whiffenpoofs, ya know!

I was runnin' a load of laundry earlier this morn so as to run through the dryer after I left for the office. I had gathered up some sweats that were layin' in a corner of the bedroom and, to make a load, gathered up several pairs of FTL/BVD/Hane's type male brief undergarments as I had gone through since last runnin' a load. Well, when I removed the load, all the assorted briefs were a bright pink color, a pair of the red sweats seemin'ly havin' bled its colorin' onto the whites. So, here I had a dozen tightie-pinkies to deal with.

Well, as I have oft mentioned, I am nearin' the mid-century mark in tree rings now, so I have been 'round the block innumerable times. I have previously faced this exact situation. It is possible I faced this same problem in conjunction with this same set of red sweats and several of these same undergarments. I deftly removed all the undesired still wet pink items from the mass of sweats and rewashed them, addin' a half-cup of chloride bleach into the cycle. If ya do it while the clothes are still wet, it seems to wash that color right back out. I'll know if I was successful in jes' a few short moments, as the cycle seems to be runnin' down as I end this short blurb.

If this wee bit of laundry knowledge has assisted even one lowly poor bachelor in the quest to never again have to wear a pair of unintentionally dyed pink briefs again for the rest of eternity, I shall consider my life a success. ;)

[UPDATE: Well tie me up and beat me with a whisp of ghostly smoke, but that first attempt at bleachin' out the pink did little more than brighten those pink hues into the loveliest rose shade. If'n I was a whiffenpoof, I spose havin' several pairs of bright pink BVDs would be an asset, but to me, it is abhorrent! We'll jes' wash 'em again and add a whole cup of bleach and some OxyClean to the mix.]

[ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am now the proud owner of a dozen pairs of bright pink unmanly lookin' briefs and one pink Cowboys T-shirt, which are, for all practical purposes, disatrous! Urrrrgh! You are now free to go back to you regularly scheduled program!]

Posted by Tiger at December 20, 2004 10:20 AM

that really sucks! Sorry about your bad luck!

Posted by: Mya at December 20, 2004 12:12 PM

Sounds like my day yesterday--"akshully" the last 2 days! I left my office in the afternoon to do 2 client assessments, got almost to the first house & realized that I picked up the wrong folders. Back to office. Dig office keys out of purse, drop car keys in purse, lock purse in car.

Next morning: Exercising with hand weights. See something interesting on TV news. Turn around. Light fixture on ceiling fan breaks into 100 pieces. Not your average Walmart light fixture. Holes placed for pulls for fan & light switch.

That evening: Load car with trays of appetizers for Rotary Christmas party. Thought I knew location but was at wrong place. Tried to call various members from cell phone but had already left. Arrived 20 minutes late--Everyone eating main meal. (Would you like some appetizers??)

Posted by: Susan at December 22, 2004 12:06 PM

Why is it that black tracksuit doesn't make them black? I tried making them darker and it didn't work - they just kept getting pinker and pinker.

I was so desperate I wore a pair to go to the store to buy some more. Had to make a brief trip to the gents before I entered the store. Went and grabbed a dozen pairs and headed to the checkout.

Gent (?) on the checkout apologised for not having my colour in stock. When I looked confused he pointed out that I had left my fly open and he admired my pink undies. Wanted to know if I was interested in having a drink after work....

Posted by: Ozguru at December 23, 2004 06:20 AM