December 21, 2004

The waves are high but the surfin' is lousy!

Gawk! Are the moonbats barkin' today or what? I cannot believe the number of blogs I surfed by today that are eatin' up the latest WaPo-ABC poll and stories discussin' such results [here is a prime example] and thinkin' another bit of liberal diatribe is worth the paper 'pon which it is written. First of all, it is a poll, and polls, ya'll might recall, showed John "Waffles the Clown" Kerry was destined to win the Presidency of the United States and we all know how that turned out. So, bark, bark, bark, ya barkin' moonbats. I find ya'll's incessant wailin' to be 'bout as interestin' as conversations regardin' PMS an' feminine hygiene products. Jes' sayin', ya know?

That concludes my polibloggin' for this fine day and I'll recommence polliwoggin' 'cause I am feelin' a bit froggy today!

Posted by Tiger at December 21, 2004 02:42 PM