December 23, 2004

Tig bloggin' to be intermittent

Lookie!!!! Download this 1289KB MP3 file - runnin' time 00:01:49 of author readin' this post. That's near' two minutes of tittilatin' Texas twang, all for the price of a few minutes of your bandwidth. Whatta bargain, at any price.

Well, I'll be on the road for a few days -- flexible schedule, as usual. That's why I drop in unannounced, so no one frets if I ain't there on time, goes outta their way to make special arrangements for me, or has the utmost concern if I don't even show up at all. There is the possibility that they could not even be there at all. It happens. It is part of the adventure and what makes travel fun for me. Heck, ever'day life is routine, enough, I like the road to be full of adventure. Governed only by the rules of the road, the little bit of capital you can part with, and the limited amount of time ya got 'fore ya gotta get back to the daily grind, and the world it yours. It could be that jes' 'fore I turn east, I hear 'bout some event goin' on in Phoenix that sounds like a hoot -- I might jes' turn left at the corner 'stead of right. Stranger things have happened.

Good thing I bumped into Moona in the ethosphere, huh? She is a natural - and will fill the bill nicely while I am away. Read down through her openin' barrage, 'specially the openin' shot. You'll likely be titterin' 'nough to tee-tee in your trousers.

I didn't have time to fill her in on the regular features, but I'll do my best to keep the current programmin' goin' if'n and when I can find a chance. Keep readin', keep enjoyin', keep smilin', and don't be afraid to say somethin'. We kinda like receivin' your cards and letters. Ya'll gals throwin' your dainties to'ard the stage are most appreciated -- by me, that is. I ain't been apprised of Moona's feelin's on that particular subject. I gotta be fillin' up my paper sack with supplies. What am I gonna need? Half dozen pairs of pink underwear, a change of pants . . . Why am I suddenly hearin' strains of Blue Moon playin' overhead?

[UPDATE: Popup view of packed bag]

Posted by Tiger at December 23, 2004 11:17 AM

Why, Tig! You sound exactly as I imagined in my head! Too bad I'm plumb out of spare dainties to be throwin' at the stage. :)

Enjoy the travels and I hope they're there to see you!

Posted by: Seuss at December 23, 2004 09:05 PM