December 31, 2004

In a time of rebirth and renewal

The holidays make me maudlin. Seriously so, ever' since the passin' of my dear departed Betsy a decade ago, and it ain't gotten any better as I have aged another 10 years older and 'pear to be farther from my dream than ever. In times like these, it is good to have somethin' to remind yourself of your ancestors literally right at your fingertips. Those of ya'll that have followed me durin' the maturity of this publication likely 'member the reprint series of my deceased father's bloggin' efforts. I have, jes' this day, come to think of them as bloggin' efforts: if a blog is a website with regularly dated entries and these columns were posted to his website on a regular monthly basis, then Rusty Rucker was 'mong one of the earliest blogs. I now have a greater appreciation of these early columns. Here is your opportunity to take this walk back with me down memory lane. Read My Lips - the blog: Rusty Rides Again™ Archives

[WARNING: Some of these items were never recovered, some were recovered and lost in the transference of this site from it's previous location, and all the navigation links within the posts themselves are wonky. Additionally, like graphics in a lot of the old posts on this site, I have never uploaded them to this server and cannot be possibly displayed. Additionally, many of these posts contain materials that have subsequently been alleged to be urban legend, etc.]

Posted by Tiger at December 31, 2004 01:17 PM