December 08, 2004

"No President had ever witnessed such a thing on his inaugural day."

My signed-sealed-and-delivered Democratic friend hoisted his copy of Fahrenheit/911 on me. It is initiated with the premise that it is one-sided, then delivers a line that shows up barkin' moonbats for what they are: uncivilized.

No President had ever witnessed such a thing on his inaugural day.
The movie, after providin' the evidence of the lawful certification of the election results by the losin' opponent, who, by governin' the situation under only the strictest construction of the rules, displayed honor and integrity, admits that, as the newly elected President of the United States approached the Whitehouse on Inaugural Day, a crowd of disenchanted voters threw eggs at his car.
No President had ever witnessed such a thing on his inaugural day.
No President had ever witnessed such appallin' behavior by the supporters of his opposition on his inaugural day. And who really bears the shame in this incident? George! Your own champion chose to out your crass barbarian behavior to the masses in this movie?
He went to sleep that night on a bed made of fine French linens.
WTF? Is this impeachable conduct? Was he 'spose to sleep on a bed of thorns? I jes' ain't catchin' the ulterior motive behind this inference.

It ain't even good propaganda. Michael Moore needs to get a job behind a counter at 7-11. Click!

Posted by Tiger at December 8, 2004 01:07 PM