January 11, 2005

The façades behind which opportunity hides

I have been watchin' Amber Frey take the spotlight now that Scott Peterson has been convicted, pushin' to publicize the book that supposedly discloses her side of the story. What I see is an opportunist, but one who innocently found herself in the middle of a nasty situation and used her head so as to come out on top. Most people were a lot more interested in this case than I was. As it will likely be hard to ever understand his motivation for havin' done what he supposedly did, what more is there to learn from this situation. Some guy thought he could get away with murder --- happens all the time, 'cept sometimes it's the gal -- but they usually jes' kill their children. In this case, another person got caught up in the mess, Amber Frey, and, as it turned out, the day she met Scott Peterson was her lucky day. Now, I have not seen enough evidence for me to believe Amber Frey is all that intelligent, but she seems to have been smart enough to seek competent advice at an early enough point in the situation to make it pay off for herself and her children. Is she a villain? No. Is she capitalizin' on a tragedy? No more so than she has a right to take. Is she wrong to do so? Not in my opinion. I am not gonna buy her book, but I still ain't interested in the case. I figger enough of the rest of ya'll will do so such that the life of Amber and her family will be benefited thereby. I hope so.

Posted by Tiger at January 11, 2005 12:43 PM