January 11, 2005

Swimmin' laps through the prickly-pear patch

Yep, I feel like I am still jes' a-treadin' water and ain't makin' no progress through the precarious predicament in which I find myself currently mired despite all the naturally wonderful inducements spurrin' me toward action. I seem to have caught a bad case of spring fever in the midst of the winter, but not the kind that motivates ya t'ward gettin' your spring cleanin' done. Nope, the mess still is firmly in place and likely to stay that way for the time bein'. I got boxes and boxes of paper that needs to be gone through so as to get the situation well in hand. Speakin' of well in hand ... oops, let's not go there.

My mouth is yawnin' and my eyes are droopin' and my navel is clamorin' for me to go curl up in a fetal position 'neath that double layer of goose down, but the temperature is so balmy, I ain't even wearin' nuthin' 'bove the navel. The lower half, o' course, is covered by that previously mentioned "Grrrrreat" set of sleep pants, tied snugly 'round my waist jes' below my navel. Bare and uncovered, the navel sits amid the Buddha belly in resplendent glory. That little cherry mole is still keepin' watch. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at January 11, 2005 10:32 PM

It appears there were crossed-trackbacks. It's just like the good old days of telephones!

Posted by: Simon at January 12, 2005 08:11 PM