January 22, 2005

Tig's Bright Idea

As I thought about what to write in thisPost.bmp™, I began wondering what bright bulb.gifhad popped into Tony the Tiger.bmp's brain. I know that it was not another barrage of law enforcement jokes, since we have already provided ample servings of corn.bmp about cop.gifcop.gifcop.gif. Whatever it was, I am certain that he had been thinking outside of the postman.bmp.[He's not your average Jack-in-the-box.bmp, you know.]Perhaps he had an idea for the next book (i.e., the "cereal" to the first book) in his Alien Attitudes™. (By the way, I have read the first book, and it's grrr-reat!)

1/24/05 revision in response to comment by Tig:
[He's definitely not your average
jack-in-the-box toy.gif, you know.]

Posted by Susan R at January 22, 2005 07:33 AM

I am perplexed. What ever could be worse than existence as an average antenna ball from Jack in the Box?

Posted by: Tig at January 24, 2005 09:21 AM

I am quite sure I am more like this

Posted by: Tig at January 24, 2005 03:49 PM