January 29, 2005

Well, I'm a Monkey's Aunt!

Betcha didn't know ...

  • The only animals born with horns are giraffes. [From a female perspective, ouch!]
  • The only milk that doesn't curdle when boiled is camel milk.
  • The ostrich is the only bird that provides us with leather.
  • A snake is smelling when it sticks out its tongue.
  • The pig is the nearest living relative to the hippopotamus.
  • The chicken is the closest living relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  • Sharks attack men ten times more often than they attack women. [hmmmm ...]
  • The shark is the only known animal that never gets sick.
  • A cow gives approximately 200,000 glasses of milk during her life.
  • Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues because it is a protection to prevent them from biting off their tongue with all of those sharp teeth and very powerful jaws.
  • Armadillos are the only animals that can get leprosy.
  • A kangaroo can't jump unless its tail is touching the ground.
  • The only place on the body of a cow that has sweat glands is the nose.
pig.bmp hippo.bmp
I can see the family resemblance here ...
but this is a stretch --
chicken.bmp Rex.bmp
Why, next thing you know, they're going to tell us that we are related to the orangutan!

Posted by Susan R at January 29, 2005 12:25 PM

I knew about the kangaroo. I had heard the chicken one (but don't believe it).

Posted by: Ozguru at February 2, 2005 07:34 PM