February 01, 2005

Because I love Susie so much

Random Ten Albums:

White Album (Beatles)
Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (Tanya Tucker)
Bat Out of Hell (Meat Loaf*)
Rhymin' Simon (Paul Simon)
Eight Seconds Soundtrack (various)
Hotel California (The Eagles)
Fandango (ZZ Top)
Big Chill Soundtrack (various)
No Fences (Garth Brooks)
Street Survivors (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer? Not much, maybe two sample files that came with the computer, several of Pixy Misa's original creations, and some assorted bits and pieces. I am not an audiophile.

2. The last CD you bought is: 40 Licks--Rolling Stones

3. What is the song you last listened to before this message: I seriously cannot remember. It was classic country, but who was singing and what song it was, I cannot remember.

4: Five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you:
Yesterday--the Beatles
There's a Tear in My Beer--Hank Williams and son
Whatever you call that theme music on those Vonage commercials--unknown
Momma Loves Me--Paul Simon
Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House--Garth Brooks

5. Who are you gonna pass this stick to (five persons and why)?
I don't know five people that I dislike enough onto which to foist this petard. If ya see it and want to play, do so, otherwise, don't fret the small stuff.

Doing it for Susie

*Don't let yours.

Posted by Tiger at February 1, 2005 04:46 PM


Posted by: Susie at February 1, 2005 05:31 PM