February 06, 2005

It would be the very end of them

I have received a continuous barrage of commercial email messages* with the following question:spam1.jpg

What would happen to your family if you died?
Regrettably, I have to admit that my family will die with me. Such family exists only in my dreams and such dreams nightmares would, I logically assume, cease upon my death.

*The namesake which is so regularly used in referencing such type of messages is unworthy of the continual malignancy infecting its honor which is created by such misuse. It may now be time to stop dragging such a praiseworthy pork product's name through the mud during discussions of the slime found so regularly in our respective inboxes with which we find ourselves barraged by those worthless cretins lurking deep back in the dark slime-encrusted corners** of the ethosphere.

**It just occurred to me that if Al Gore had done a much better job of designing the internet in the beginning, those corners might be much better illuminated and a little less slime-encrusted.

Posted by Tiger at February 6, 2005 03:27 PM

Tiger, there's always adoption. Or being a foster parent. I think it would be just as noble to help a rescued child as to rear one that sprung from your own loins. DNA is only three letters, but "Father" is something much more special, and transcends genetics.


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at February 7, 2005 08:51 AM

For the right amount of money I'll be your daughter or I might be your sister...yeah that is more like it...and that cost even more...hehehehe

Posted by: Vickie at February 7, 2005 10:22 AM