February 11, 2005

A Good Samaritan story?

An elderly waitress in a Florida bar was helping a patron to the door, as the bar was closing. The man smiled, poured the beer on her face, then smashed the beer bottle over her head. He then proceeded to kick her when she fell to the ground. At the hospital, doctors noticed a brain tumor that would have killed her had it not been detected because she was being treated for her injuries from the attack.

The moral of this story is that it’s ok to smash bottles over people’s heads when you believe they may have an undetected tumor. I’ve done it twice since reading the story. I expect no thanks. The joy I get from helping people live happy, healthy, disease free lives, is the only thanks I need. - Jesse Gersten

Hey, I know of a couple of people that I suspect have undetected brains tumors, as well. I ain't gonna name any names herein, but for those of ya'll that know me, if you are commenting regularly, I assure you that you can feel safe around me when I'm clutching a longneck bottle. ;)

Posted by Tiger at February 11, 2005 02:30 PM