Just a few moments ago, I was traveling back this way from someplace else, and a half a block from the turn I have to make from the major highway through the town, I put my right turn signal on. Thankfully, I was also slowing down, though, I was not traveling all that fast, as I had just made a right turn on the highway only a block or so. I suppose this was a piece of luck, as, just as I was passing the entrance to the post office, some lady pulled right out in front of me, less than 3 feet was left before I would slam right into her driver's door if I was not already driving at a slow speed with my foot right on my brake. I could not understand why in the world the lady would do something as stupid as that until I remembered that my right turn signal was on and that she probably assumed it meant I was going to turn into the same parking lot she was leaving. I am thankful that no collision occurred and no one was injured. Just think, if such had occurred, someone would have likely looked like an ass ... although I am pretty sure that it would have been neither you nor me.
Posted by Tiger at February 17, 2005 11:16 AM