Well, the last line of the last panel was the point of the strip and would have been been my comment about such, as well. I guess you'll have to read this one to figure out what I am not saying, but I wouldn't bother ... really. Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. Please have Berke Breathed get Zeebo and Pickles involved in this strip and give us something at which to laugh.
Posted by Tiger at February 20, 2005 02:39 PMI was glad to see Breathed back in the comics pages, but I figured he'd do it only until the point where he got bored. With the reintroduction of Bill and Steve Dallas, I figured the end was nigh. I give "Opus" another six months before the towel is tossed.
Posted by: CT at February 20, 2005 07:21 PM