I began, earlier today, to try once again to create my 100 Things About Me. I do not know why I find this so very very hard to do, as I am seldom less than open and honest about every mundane matter dealing with myself. So, excruciatingly,
I would have less trouble producing that 100 item list if my navel was not the editor in chief for the project. It's really hard to work for such a harsh taskmaster. I have to beg askance for everything I want to say. Will I ever complete this project? Begging helps. Jes' sayin', ya know? End of report.
Posted by Tiger at March 6, 2005 09:58 PM | TrackBackMaybe you should appoint another body part in charge, just this once.
Posted by: Jay at March 7, 2005 01:07 AMJust maybe your navel does not like you telling so much at one time so just tell a few things at a time. Like maybe 10 or 115 and keep adding until you would have 100...then just maybe it might be a little easier to get along with if not to hell with it I guess,
Posted by: Agent Victoria at March 7, 2005 01:30 PM