July 16, 2005

Is the end of the agony anywhere near?

I don't think I have been as unproductive as lately since I had mono in college. It may be the medication or just my body's need in fighting the infection; either way, I have been sleeping almost all the time over these last few days. Thankfully, I do believe this last antibiotic is working and the abscess is shrinking. I have an appointment to have the tooth pulled on Tuesday. Getting the dentist to understand my decision to lose the tooth instead of paying a thousand or so in order to have the work done in order to save that one tooth was the hardest part of my efforts, so far. Of course, I am already prepared to feel a lot of pain when that tooth finally comes out. Hopefully, that will be the end of my problems until I can find a way to raise the money to do what needs to be done. I am going to have to sell a whole lot of books to reach that point. ;)

Posted by Tiger at July 16, 2005 11:05 AM | TrackBack