June 11, 2006

June 11, 2006 (Watching Game 2 edition)

Heard this one by ear the other day:

It seems a man's mother had a stroke while he was out of town, and, upon his return he rushed down to the local hospital to check on his mother's condition.

"I've got some good news and some bad news," said the young doctor on call.

"Well, let me have the bad news," replied the young man.

"You're mother has lost the ability to speak," said the doctor.

That's not so bad," said the man.

"That's not all," continued the doctor. "She has lost use of her arms. She'll have to be fed and cared for."

"It'll be hard to get someone to stay while I'm away."

"Sure," continued the M.D. "And, since she lost the use of her legs, you'll have to arrange for special transportation, as well."

"You have to do what you have to do," I guess, the young man replied, his voice full of the concern he had with the foreseen changes to his finances and personal lifestyle.

"Sure," the doctor stated, "And, since she is now fully incontinent, you'll have to clean up after her, too."

Now fully chagrined by the circumstances, the young man finally asked, "Well, what was that good news?"

The doctor looked him in the eye and said, "Oh, it's that I was just now just pulling your leg. You're mother died."


Posted by Tiger at June 11, 2006 08:44 PM | TrackBack