Until approximately three years ago, local residents drove cars and pick-ups across this one-lane bridge as they had regularly done since its construction in 1914. Walking on the bridge today, I recalled my white knuckles as I clutched the wheel of my car several years ago as I first encountered this bridge. As I reached the middle, I was wishing I could abort my trip, but it was too late to turn around. However, after that early ordeal, I soon found myself crossing it on a regular basis. I feel much safer crossing the new bridge, as shown below, but am glad they left the old bridge in place for those rare occasions on which I wish to take a short walk down memory lane.
Good job. Well done. pass4sureWho put you in charge!,000-208I knew it.,HP0-210Leave me be. Do you want to talk?,642-373I guarantee. You'll be fine. I guarantee.,642-973Not a chance.,646-588How do you pronounce it? How do you say this!,PW0-200You can count on me.,642-812Let's hear it.,920-803Just what I thought.,646-003We'll talk about it later.,HP0-Y12Please you believe that? Wise up.,70-294I swear! It will never happen again. I swear.,000-209Shame on you.
Posted by: Yvonne626 at January 13, 2009 02:11 AM