Well, my kingdom is a pathetic mire of radioactive sludge filled with unemployed laborers, sick dogs, and a couple of rabid monkeys, but I would gladly exchange it all for one or two of those quotes everyone else seems to have from people telling them how much they enjoy reading their blogs or what a great writer they are or how they made them spew Dew all over their monitor when they read their witty reparte'.
And if you are not up to that, how about suggesting which one of my mediocre posts from this week you think would really be appreciated by the readership of those who actually pay any attention to what was posted in the weekly Carnival of the Vanities. For some reason, I seemed to have a good hit with last week's entry, but this week's entry did not appear to be very popular. Maybe I need someone else to make the decision for me this week.
As for me, as I am still trying to figure out what I could actually say on the Theory of Devolution [oh, and I am so thankful to AstreaEdge for planting that suggestion into my psyche -- arrrrrgh! it won't go away and it is eating at my brain], I suppose I will ponder my dilemma for awhile, quietly, while facing the corner in my padded cell.
Posted by Tiger at June 12, 2003 08:29 PMI suppose if you need quotes you could always go here.
Posted by: AstreaEdge at June 13, 2003 07:28 AMThat is strange.
Posted by: Tiger at June 13, 2003 08:16 AMIt's not strange, it's Dr. Phil! :)
Posted by: AstreaEdge at June 13, 2003 08:21 AMI guess I must have missed the episode when he said "You don't need husky pants to jerk off in a karaoke bar."*
*Well, actually, I have never listened to Dr. Phil at all, not even sure it comes on where I live.
I don't even know who Dr. Phil is, so I'm probably missing a lot of the joke. I'm assuming he is some TV personality, but seeing as how I don't have cable, or even rabbit-ear antennas, I haven't watched anything on TV since I moved out here 3 years ago. All my 27" Trinitron is used for is playing video games and watching DVD movies, oh yeah.
Posted by: AstreaEdge at June 13, 2003 08:40 AMI never heard of Dr. Phil either 'til David Letterman started showing random quotes out of context as daily Words of Wisdom. LOL funny stuff.
Posted by: Susie at June 13, 2003 08:50 AMOh, and I do enjoy your writing, particularly your complete sentences and excellent grasp of punctuation. And you can quote me on that!
Posted by: Susie at June 13, 2003 08:52 AMWoooohooo! I can use that one!
Posted by: Tiger at June 13, 2003 09:07 AMI think "the only other extant Glen Rose blogger" is worthy of sidebar inclusion, if I do say so myself.
Posted by: Scott Chaffin at June 13, 2003 07:36 PM