August 04, 2003


Sheesh, I woke up this morning and discovered it was MONDAY. I hate MONDAYS!* I spent more than an hour attempting to rinse the unconsciousness from my brain: one hour of prowling around the house, shuffling zombielike looking for this and that, and mostly trying to determine what it was that I was looking for when I eventually arrived at the point I had gone to look for it: whatever it was. Am I the only person who wakes up Monday morning with a hangover who didn't party all weekend? I didn't party at all.

On second thought, maybe it isn't a hangover. Maybe it is an alergy. Yes, that's it ... I have an alergy: I am alergic to work. I wonder what kind of drugs they have for that?

*I wonder how high I would hit on a Google search for I hate Mondays? Maybe I need to begin typing that as I hate Mondays™.

Posted by Tiger at August 4, 2003 10:31 AM

You were # 15 on a search of "I hate Mondays" on Google. Congratulations.

Posted by: the girl at August 4, 2003 03:50 PM

I like Mondays....there is a new "In My World" on Mondays.....

Posted by: Susie at August 5, 2003 12:12 AM