August 04, 2003

Make mine Strawberry please!

If you were cruising through your blogroll yesterday, you probably hit on a small victory and saw, and maybe even took part in, the selection of the horrible movie Batman and Robin to receive the coveted Kazaam Award for Dubious Distinction in Bad Movie Making. There was much, much, much discussion on which movie should receive this highly sought after award.

One of the movies discussed to be in contention for this award was Vanilla Sky. As luck would take it, such was one of the movies I had rented this weekend, and I had yet to watch it. As such, I was expecting to be wasting my time when I put the movie in the DVD player and pushed the play movie button.

Hey, folks, I don't know who thought this was a bad movie. It was great! I admit that having seen it stated that it was all a dream prepared me. I therefore did view the scenes as something other than reality. However, had I not gotten the clue, I think I would still have liked this movie. Seldom do I sit unmoving, my attention rapt on the screen, so engrossed in a movie as I did with this one. It was bizarre, unique and spellbinding. This from a guy that thinks Tom Cruise is a putz who couldn't act his way out of a Prince Albert can. Of course, playing a rich, successful, but not all that bright, guy, who has women fawning all over him, probably was not that much of an actual stretch for him. He did look much better with that prosthetic that he does in real life. That did ease my pain in being forced to view his ugly mug for a big portion of the movie.

Sorry folks, this is not a bad movie, and Tiger tells you to rent this one, if you have not already seen it. Light some candles, pour a glass of wine, relax, and let it fill your senses. It is poetic, in a manner, and, with the likes of my love*, Cameron Diaz, and the addition of Spanish beauty, Penélope Cruz, [yum!] there is enough eye candy in this one to enchant even the guy who sits there with one hand tucked in his pants.** 3.5 paws up on this one. Tiger says see it!

*emode matched us up when I took some test they had regarding who is your celebrity match.

**Well, maybe not, because there are not any monster trucks or people smashing beer cans on their heads in this one.

Posted by Tiger at August 4, 2003 11:55 AM

Vanilla Sky seems to be one of those movies that inspires strong feelings--you either love it or hate it. Very few people would say "It was O.K." when discussing it...

Posted by: Susie at August 4, 2003 09:55 PM