August 10, 2003

Much ado about nothing

Well, actually just not all that important to read. This message is a test to see if I got the blogrolling bug worked out. I am keeping my fingers crossed. If it worked, I will update you with further information.

OK, from what I have discovered so far, it looks like if I do what is necessary to ping from the right URL to correctly show as updated on the blogrolls, I have to put a file name into my site URL configuration in MT. I did that and it worked. But it also cause my page not to display correctly, probably doing something that caused the .css file not to load. I am confused, but I suspect that MT development just assumed that the main page was always going to be named index. As it sits now, it may be best to just do a manual ping through blogrolling's standalone ping page. I will need to wait until I drop off of showing to have updated before I can test whether such will correct my blogroll dilemma. Stay tuned.

OK, gonna see what happens if I try to send a stand alone ping after I put more text on this page.

Posted by Tiger at August 10, 2003 05:46 PM

You are showing updated on my blogroll!!!

Posted by: Deb at August 10, 2003 06:10 PM

yes, but it is a hassle. Seems either my blog will not post right, or I do not show up as updated. Catch-22, it seems for not naming my main page index.

Posted by: Tiger at August 10, 2003 06:12 PM

Ah. I see what you're talking about now. MT doesn't look to have an alternative, since it tells you not to include a filename in the configuration location. It pretty much assumes your index file will be called "index." One would think the easiest solution would be simply to give in to that convention and hit "rebuild."

Posted by: James Joyner at August 10, 2003 06:42 PM

Egads. I thought you must be playing around with your template, too, so I din't mention the page looking wacky. I wish I could be of some help...but I lack skill in this...

Posted by: Deb at August 10, 2003 06:43 PM