Where does michele find these things? This one is hilarious! Thanks for a wonderful long chuckle from someone in Texas who is not stuck without electricity.
*Uh, this could either be where michele located this story or the place from which Corey Feldman** was calling.
**Damn, now I killed the suspense, didn't I?
Posted by Tiger at August 14, 2003 07:02 PMThe only one I'd really like to talk to is Robert Fuller (though he's gotta be at least 90 by now--he was in some Western my grandma used to watch, about 30 years ago), but 15 seconds? Sheesh...
Posted by: Susie at August 14, 2003 09:11 PMTom Baker would be the has-been that would make my day to hear from...though he's almost 70 now and he's British. I doubt he's on the list. But I was a fan of Dr. Who when I was a kid--still am...
Someday I'll have my 14-foot-long scarf...
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 14, 2003 09:32 PM