August 14, 2003

Lookee here what I found!

Hey I might be the Snarkiest Blogger in the Blogosphere™,* but sometimes I find other good snarky remarks. I love the snarky remark ending this post by Serenity.

[UPDATE: It seems I have forgotten to mention that my blogchild, Cherry, has left the murky confines of the Blog*Spot nebula and is now one of the planets circling the great star Munu.**]

*Yeah, go ahead and try it, and see if you don't find out how Al Franken feels with the legal bills he is gonna pile up. ;)

**I linked to her latest post solely so that I could be the first one to give her a trackback on her new MT powered blog.

Posted by Tiger at August 14, 2003 08:43 PM

Hey! How come you didn't post that Cherry had become a munuvian?

Posted by: Susie at August 14, 2003 08:59 PM

Dang, guess I better do that. Thanks for reminding me.

Posted by: Tiger at August 14, 2003 09:03 PM