August 19, 2003

Did you come for a quick visit in Texas?

Deb Yoder says she has been to "the heretofore undiscovered tenth circle of hell." We often get that reaction from first time visitors to our Great State of Texas during the summer. I mean, when they say it is "Hotter than Hell" here, they mean it literally. Was somewhere near 100 today with a whopping 80% humidity. It is still not hot enough to turn on the A/C, but then I, like most Texans, are used to the hot summer heat.

Posted by Tiger at August 19, 2003 07:51 PM

I wish! No, I was here in Cali--it was just one of those days.

Thanks. :)

Posted by: Deb at August 19, 2003 08:23 PM

I must be a wimp...I'd have had the AC on 20 degrees cooler than that! But, at what temp do you Texans turn your heat on, eh?

Posted by: Susie at August 19, 2003 11:17 PM

Oh, I usually wait until is gets to about 45 usually.

Posted by: Tiger at August 19, 2003 11:31 PM

It's kind of peculiar.
This summer in Texas hasn't seemed so hot to me.

Posted by: Frank at August 20, 2003 10:11 PM