August 19, 2003

There is always a first time

I did something for the first time on this blog, ever. I actually posted something, then decided to completely delete it. Why? Well, for some reason, I could not get it formatted the way I wanted, and then I decided none of ya'll were really interested what kind of SPAM I received today anyway. So there!

If you were one of the unlucky ones that actually caught a glimpse of it between the time I posted it and the time I successfully rebuilt the site to delete it, I am sorry, but I am not responsible for your medical bills because you were shocked to see what kind of crap I receive on a daily basis. All risks in the viewing of any posts on this site are assumed by the viewer. I have absolutely no control over what your reaction might be and you are here because you wanted to be here, weren't you? ;)

Posted by Tiger at August 19, 2003 08:44 PM

No... I was forced into it! Truly I was!!!

Posted by: Cherry at August 19, 2003 09:45 PM

Yeah, like someone held a water pistol to your head? Likely story! ;)

Posted by: Tiger at August 19, 2003 11:08 PM

I only read your blog to see if you've decided to join the Axis or the Alliance yet.....

Posted by: Susie at August 19, 2003 11:15 PM

Tiger, you should have left it up, and submitted it to Wizbang's next Bonfire of the Vanities.

Posted by: McGehee at August 20, 2003 08:13 AM